Atha - Now Begins . . .
Atha in Sanskrit means Now Begins. The now here refers to right now. not tomorrow, not a week later but this exact moment in time; after which, it is lost forever. Every morning before my yoga practice I set a goal posture for the day and prepare a vinyasa sequence of how to reach that goal posture. And then I sit on my yoga mat cross legged, eyes closed, palms on my knees and just observe myself. But I have no idea how my journey till my goal would be on this particular day, all I know is that I'm right here with myself in the present moment. And when I start doing the planned sequences to reach my goal posture at every step I check with myself if I'm doing OK and if I can go to the next posture. In case I feel I'm not able to move forward with the planned sequence, I pause and gently end my practice. I did not give up on my goal, instead I just accepted that today in this moment I'm not ready for this goal and so I move on. When I start the sequence tomorro...